Callisto Explorer Tech Brief
110' Research Vessel
The Tomingas Foundation has begun a long term lease for the Research Vessel Callisto Explorer for Marine, Earth Science educational opportunities.
Part of the plan is to place the ship in areas that have been hard hit by the loss of the logging and fishing industries. The idea is to bring people into these areas to see opportunities and the rich environment that makes them so attractive and provide a stimulus to the economy.
Tentative events include:
Dockside safety course and play day event
Kayak/Skiff safety course and play day event
Weather safety course, Weather gets to do what she wants, when she wants!
Music event: award winning artists present classes on expression & presentation
Music event: award winning artists presented in concert aboard the Calisto Explorer
Fine Dining: Alaskan working ships all have spectacular cooks/chefs, enjoy a real Alaskan seafaring meal aboard a real oceanographic research vessel
Ocean cruise to Seattle with marine science classes resulting in a working knowledge of ocean going safety methods and procedures
Prince William Sound Alaska tour with a gourmet chef, marine science classes, live music & classes, plus a documentary film made of the event. Likely to be a FUNdRaising Cruise; TBA